Bet on the right technologies with confidence—before your competition does.

GetFocus helps visionary R&D leaders validate their expert insights by tracking clear, measurable signals of disruption.

Discover all emerging technologies in your space

Compare strengths & weaknesses for each use case

Track improvement rates and predict which innovations will "take-off"

Inspired by MIT research. Trusted by innovators globally

Discover the Future of R&D: Watch Our One-Minute Video to Learn More.

Accurately Predict Which Emerging Tech Will Dominate Your Market.

The goalposts are moving

It is harder than ever to keep up with technological change

New technologies emerge exponentially faster
Number of technologies throughout history
In-house experts don't have the tools to keep up
Trend monitoring tools
just add noise
The Solution

How To Accurately Forecast The Technological Future

Scout, compare, and forecast the future of any technology area with GetFocus

AI technology scouting, scout all the emerging technologies in your area
Step #1 - Scout all emerging technologies in your area

Rapid tech scouting

Scout all emerging technologies in your area in seconds. This feature is LLM enabled and can take your context into consideration. After completing this step you will have a perfect overview of all technologies that could become game-changers for you.

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Step #2 - Compare emerging technologies for your use-case

Complete tech comparison

Compare the strengths and weaknesses of scouted technologies for your use case. Not every technology will be a good fit. Our LLM enabled technology comparison is the fastest way to get a deep understanding. Reduce months of work to minutes.

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Step #3 - Bet on the winning horse before the race even starts

Accurate tech forecasting

All technology improves exponentially. At GetFocus we can measure the rate at which technologies get better. The fastest improving technology always wins. With the our improvement rates you get an early heads up on which technologies will become winners. Emerging technologies are always too expensive or otherwise problematic in the beginning. None of this really matters. The only thing that matters is how quickly these problems are being solved. Through forecasting you can bet on winning emerging technologies before the rest realizes. A totally unfair advantage.

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Step #4 -Stay up to date

Reporting & Monitoring

Stay up to date with the latest progress in key areas of technology effortlessly. Monitoring usually takes up lots of time, we speed up the process 10X. Spot competitor activity, instant patent landscapes, AI powered patent summaries, and chatting with inventions, all at the click of a button. Get more detailed insight in less time.

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“In a week with GetFocus, we achieved more
than what we previously could in 9

- Christophe Perthuisot, Head of R&D, Moet Hennessy (LVMH Group)

"GetFocus accelerates our learning curve, helping us pinpoint where to direct our efforts more effectively.

It’s an invaluable tool for validating the insights of our in-house experts, ensuring that we can objectively assess new technologies"

-Matteo Munari, Head of Technology, Alfa Laval

"The combination of smart algorithms with the individual commitment of the team from GetFocus provides essential insights for making informed strategic R&D investments and helps us innovate faster."

- Dr. Josef R. Wuensch, SVP R&D- Performance Materials, BASF

Our Milestones

Forecasting method inspired by MIT research

We won a CES innovation award in the AI category in 2024

Our insights are used in the White House for decision making

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